Most of us have observed the ascent of Angular (in all its versions) over the last few years. I enjoy working with Angular, but it does feel on occasion that it complicates matters for little gain. Sure, compared to KnockoutJS and ExtJS it works very well, but something always nags a little.
I have been following the evolution of Blazor with interest. I won't describe it in detail, but its use of WASM, Mono and the ability to create an SPA with (mostly just) c#, is appealing. All the usual arguments in favour of such an approach apply. It's only an alpha framework, but I thought it might instructive/amusing to attempt to re-create an SPA I have using just Blazor, and compare the results.
I have more than a passing interest in esoteric languages, and wrote one myself (WARP) for a laugh.
The SPA has these features:
- Routing
- Use of MEF discovered language interpreters via a trivial.NET Core API
- The ability to switch between languages
- Enter source code for a particular language that is dispatched to the API for execution
- Respond to 'interrupts' received from the API, which signal that a user is required to enter input of some kind
- Display output as it is received from the API execution of the source code supplied
- The ability cancel execution if a program is slow (esoteric languages tend to be interpreted and seemingly simple tasks can be glacial in terms of execution speed)
- Display a summary of the language as simple text
- Provide an off site link to examine the language in greater detail
There is a project on GitHub with full source. Note that web sockets are used to communicate between client and server. Notes on building and running are at the end of this post.
Angular SPA
Angular 7 is used as the base framework, using the angular2-websocket module, which still seems the best for web sockets. It's all hosted in VS 2017, and uses ng build (not webpack or similar). It's reasonably straightforward.
Blazor SPA
Built with Blazor.Browser 0.7.0 (client) and Blazor.Server 0.7.0 (server). Given the 3 models of Blazor deployment, the one chosen is an ASP.NET Core model.
Screen grabs
A couple of screen grabs, noting that I did not attempt to make the UI's identical. The images show the execution of a prime number 'finder' written in WARP, both given a start point of 199.
There are some subtle differences, aside from the not so subtle use of c# and Razor as opposed to Typescript and HTML.
The source code text area (see screen grabs below) should be an 'instant' binding, that is, any key press should affect the state of the Run button. If you have not entered source code, you can't run obviously, but as soon as you enter one character, that is possibly a viable esoteric program.
In Angular, using a plain form, it's easy enough, using ngModel, and required and disabled attributes:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<textarea cols="80" rows="10"
[(ngModel)]="sourceCode" style="min-width: 100%;"
name="sourceCode" required [disabled]="running">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"
[disabled]="!executionForm.form.valid || running">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
(click)="cancel()" [disabled]="!running">
It was almost as straightforward in Blazor, but with a quirk:
Now the disabled attributes behaviour is fine, just a bit of Razor. But the part I didn't like or want is the addition of an onkeyup handler on the textarea. However, without this, the source code only updates when the textarea loses focus, which is not the behaviour that the Angular SPA has (and is the correct behaviour).
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<textarea cols="80" rows="10" bind="@SourceCode" style="min-width: 100%;"
name="sourceCode" required
onkeyup="this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="@Run"
disabled='@(NotRunnable || Running)'>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
disabled="@(Running == false)" onclick="@StopExecution">
Now the disabled attributes behaviour is fine, just a bit of Razor. But the part I didn't like or want is the addition of an onkeyup handler on the textarea. However, without this, the source code only updates when the textarea loses focus, which is not the behaviour that the Angular SPA has (and is the correct behaviour).
If you are not used to Razor the attribute usage looks a little strange. It's also not semi abstracted in the way that Angular is (compare 'click' with 'onclick'). But I can't say that it bothers me that much.
Sharing code
These SPA's are very simple, and really only have one shared type across them, an object called LanguageMetadata (which is a simple data object that holds an example of a language that is supported by the ELTB service/API). With Blazor, I can share that between client and server, by having a separate class library project referenced by both of them. However, with Angular, I have to define an interface (well, I don't, but it is nicer to do so) - so I haven't shared anything, I have copied something.
For these SPA's, it's not a big deal. But for more complex projects (and I've worked on some) the possible sharing approach of Blazor could be exceptionally useful.
Http client
Angular makes a lot of noise about it's use of Rx and Observables - and yes, it is very appealing (just came off a project where Rx.NET was used heavily). Blazor can afford to take a different approach, using a 'standard' HttpClient with an async call.
It certainly has a more natural look and feel (excuse the hard coded URL's - it's just an example after all!):
If you are not used to Razor the attribute usage looks a little strange. It's also not semi abstracted in the way that Angular is (compare 'click' with 'onclick'). But I can't say that it bothers me that much.
Sharing code
These SPA's are very simple, and really only have one shared type across them, an object called LanguageMetadata (which is a simple data object that holds an example of a language that is supported by the ELTB service/API). With Blazor, I can share that between client and server, by having a separate class library project referenced by both of them. However, with Angular, I have to define an interface (well, I don't, but it is nicer to do so) - so I haven't shared anything, I have copied something.
For these SPA's, it's not a big deal. But for more complex projects (and I've worked on some) the possible sharing approach of Blazor could be exceptionally useful.
Http client
Angular makes a lot of noise about it's use of Rx and Observables - and yes, it is very appealing (just came off a project where Rx.NET was used heavily). Blazor can afford to take a different approach, using a 'standard' HttpClient with an async call.
It certainly has a more natural look and feel (excuse the hard coded URL's - it's just an example after all!):
supportedLanguages() {
return this
.pipe(map((data: any[]) => {
return <LanguageDescription[]>data
protected override async Task OnInitAsync() {
LanguageMetadata.All =
await httpClient.GetJsonAsync<List<LanguageMetadata>>
When I look at it, the Ng approach with pipe and map just looks a little fussy.
Web sockets
Not all of the .Net API's you might want exist in Mono. One such is the web sockets API, which underpins the implementation of both versions of the SPA. I couldn't use something like SignalR (it is supported by Blazor), as I have distinct request/response semantics when user input is required for an executing piece of esoterica.
My understanding is that support is coming, but the Javascript interop of Blazor allowed me to solve the issue relatively quickly. Unfortunately, it meant writing some raw JS to do so, as below:
(This is not anywhere near a production implementation).
The interop parts are seen in the cshtml file, InterpreterContent.cshmtl. For example, when the esoteric source code is sent (after pressing the Run button), it invokes the JS function 'webSocketInterop.connect' defined previously, sending it a url to connect to, a DotNetRefObject and the actual source code as the first message to dispatch on the web socket:
The DotNetRefObject encapsulates 'this' for this implementation, and allows the JS to call back into the 'this' instance. For example, when the socket is closed by the interpreter service (as it does when execution has completed), the JS calls
with JSInvokable making it available to JS, and when called, sets Running to false, which will update the UI such that the Run button is now enabled, and the Cancel button disabled. Note the use of StateHasChanged, which propagates state change notification.
It's a double edged sword - the interop is well done, simple, works. But it should be a feature that is used infrequently.
Source code organization
One of the frequent criticisms of the Razor world is that it lets you mix in code and HTML freely, giving it a somewhat 'classic ASP' feel if one is not careful. The SPA Blazor implementation is an example of that, I haven't attempted to make it modular or separate it out particularly.
But for established Razor shops, with good or reasonable practice, this is easy to address.
Less code
I definitely ended up with less code in the Blazor version. It's much easier to understand, builds quicker and means my c# knowledge can be used directly in the main.
Web sockets
Not all of the .Net API's you might want exist in Mono. One such is the web sockets API, which underpins the implementation of both versions of the SPA. I couldn't use something like SignalR (it is supported by Blazor), as I have distinct request/response semantics when user input is required for an executing piece of esoterica.
My understanding is that support is coming, but the Javascript interop of Blazor allowed me to solve the issue relatively quickly. Unfortunately, it meant writing some raw JS to do so, as below:
window.websocketInterop = {
socket: null,
connect: function (url, helper, msg) {
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onopen = function (evt) {
msg && socket.send(msg);
socket.onmessage = function (event) {
console.debug("WebSocket message received:", event);
socket.onclose = function (evt) {
console.log("Socket closed. Notify this..");
console.log("Connected and ready....");
send: function (msg) {
console.log("Sending:" + msg);
close: function () {
console.log("Closing socket on demand");
socket && socket.close();
(This is not anywhere near a production implementation).
The interop parts are seen in the cshtml file, InterpreterContent.cshmtl. For example, when the esoteric source code is sent (after pressing the Run button), it invokes the JS function 'webSocketInterop.connect' defined previously, sending it a url to connect to, a DotNetRefObject and the actual source code as the first message to dispatch on the web socket:
async Task Run() {
Output = string.Empty;
Running = true;
await JSRuntime.Current.InvokeAsync<object>
new DotNetObjectRef(this),
The DotNetRefObject encapsulates 'this' for this implementation, and allows the JS to call back into the 'this' instance. For example, when the socket is closed by the interpreter service (as it does when execution has completed), the JS calls
which is defined in the cshtml file as:
public void OnChannelClose() {
Running = false;
with JSInvokable making it available to JS, and when called, sets Running to false, which will update the UI such that the Run button is now enabled, and the Cancel button disabled. Note the use of StateHasChanged, which propagates state change notification.
It's a double edged sword - the interop is well done, simple, works. But it should be a feature that is used infrequently.
Source code organization
One of the frequent criticisms of the Razor world is that it lets you mix in code and HTML freely, giving it a somewhat 'classic ASP' feel if one is not careful. The SPA Blazor implementation is an example of that, I haven't attempted to make it modular or separate it out particularly.
But for established Razor shops, with good or reasonable practice, this is easy to address.
Less code
I definitely ended up with less code in the Blazor version. It's much easier to understand, builds quicker and means my c# knowledge can be used directly in the main.
Unit testing
I didn't implement any unit tests for the purpose of this exercise, it's not destined for production after all. Angular et al have good tools in this area, Jasmine, Karma and so on. But Blazor allows for componentization which will support unit tests easily enough. Probably a draw in this regard.
Blazor is indeed an interesting concept; currently incomplete, not ready for production and a little slow on initial use. But the promise is there, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see if MS continue with it, because as many others have noted, this is the sort of project that can arrive with a muted fanfare, gain some traction and then disappear.
Being standards based helps its case, as the Silverlight debacle might illustrate. The considerable ecosystems of Angular, React and others might keep it at bay for a while if it makes it to full production use, but I think there is room for it.
Blazor is indeed an interesting concept; currently incomplete, not ready for production and a little slow on initial use. But the promise is there, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see if MS continue with it, because as many others have noted, this is the sort of project that can arrive with a muted fanfare, gain some traction and then disappear.
Being standards based helps its case, as the Silverlight debacle might illustrate. The considerable ecosystems of Angular, React and others might keep it at bay for a while if it makes it to full production use, but I think there is room for it.
Building and running from GitHub
If you fancy building and running the examples, once cloned or downloaded from GitHub, and built - you then have to unzip the file API\ELTB-Services\ and move the assemblies therein to API\ELTB-Services\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1.
This is because the interpreter service relies on these to exist and be discoverable by MEF, and I didn't go to the trouble of fully integrating a build.
This is because the interpreter service relies on these to exist and be discoverable by MEF, and I didn't go to the trouble of fully integrating a build.
1 comment:
Great excursion Tony! Thanks for sharing.
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