The project that eventuated from these thoughts is on Github.
I fell back on T4 again, as especially for REST API's created with OData in the world, you'll likely have an entity framework code first model. And writing controllers and repositories by hand for such a well documented protocol as OData seems rather tedious - and ripe for automation.
In summary, interrogating a DbContext, any exposed DbSet<> objects would represent resource collections; from there, the entity type of the DbSet<> has properties that may or may not be exposed as parts of the API, as well as navigation properties that may also be exposed.
The project as it stands now uses:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.vNext 6.0.2-alpha-rtm as the OData framework
- Visual Studio 2017
- EntityFrameworkCore 1.1.1
- core 1.1.1
- core Mvc 1.1.2
- OData v4 controllers for each resource collection
- Repositories for each entity type that is exposed
- Proxies for each repository, that intercept pre and post events for CUD actions, and allow for optional delegation to user specified intervention proxies
Attributes are also implemented that allow the generation process to be modified, examples:
Attribute | Semantics |
ApiExclusion | Exclude a DbSet<> from the API |
ApiResourceCollection | Supply a specific name to a ResourceCollection |
ApiExposedResourceProperty | Expose a specific entity property as a resource property |
ApiNullifyOnCreate | Request that property be nullified when the enclosing object is being created |
From the example EF project, below is a DbContext marked up with attributes as desired by the author, excluding a couple of resource collections and renaming one:
public class CompanyContext : DbContext, ICompanyContext {
public CompanyContext(DbContextOptions<CompanyContext> options) : base(options) {
public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
public DbSet<Campaign> Campaigns { get; set; }
public DbSet<Supplier> Suppliers { get; set; }
[ApiResourceCollection(Name = "Clients")]
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public DbSet<OrderLine> OrderLines { get; set; }
And likewise, for the Customer entity, some markup that exposes some properties as first class 'path' citizens of an API, and ensures that one must be null when an object of type customer is being created via the API:
public class Customer {
public Customer() {
Orders = new List<Order>();
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Order> Orders { get; set; }
The OData controller generated for the Customers resource collection (which has been renamed 'Clients' by attribute usage) is:
[EnableQuery(Order = (int)AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public class ClientsController : BaseController<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer, System.Int32, IBaseRepository<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer, System.Int32>> {
public ClientsController(IBaseRepository<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer, System.Int32> repo) : base(repo) {
public async Task<IActionResult> GetName(System.Int32 key) {
var entity = await Repository.FindAsync(key);
return entity == null ? (IActionResult)NotFound() : new ObjectResult(entity.Name);
public async Task<IActionResult> GetOrders(System.Int32 key) {
var entity = await Repository.FindAsync(key, "Orders");
return entity == null ? (IActionResult)NotFound() : new ObjectResult(entity.Orders);
The included BaseController performs most of the basic actions required. And then there is the repository generated, with again, a base type doing most of the useful work:
public partial class ClientsRepository : BaseRepository<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer, System.Int32>, IBaseRepository<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer, System.Int32> {
public ClientsRepository(ICompanyContext ctx, IProxy<ICompanyContext, EF.Example.Customer> proxy = null) : base(ctx, proxy) {
protected override async Task<EF.Example.Customer> GetAsync(IQueryable<EF.Example.Customer> query, System.Int32 key) {
return await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync(obj => obj.CustomerId == key);
protected override DbSet<EF.Example.Customer> Set { get { return Context.Customers; } }
public override System.Int32 GetKeyFromEntity(EF.Example.Customer e) {
return e.CustomerId;
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