Thursday, May 22, 2008

State of contemporary web development

It can't carry on..AJAX, CSS, Javascript, XHTML, Silverlight - all to create the so called RIA - it must be reified soon - what a mess, multiple idioms, languages, approaches, skill levels. Would you commission an application written in Python, Ruby, C# and Smalltalk and not question your judgment for example?

A unified model must be impinging on the event horizon - we are not to be tied to dial up considerations forever I would imagine. The whole browser model needs a complete revamp - and not along the lines of 'plugins'. The current situation is but layers of awkardly integrated technologies to address an approach that was advanced in the '80's and '90's but is now just passe. If we assume a canonical GUI, then surely we can derive from that the most appropriate, unified language and approach?

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