Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've nearly finished a C# 4 interpreter for the FALSE language ( - current source code at: - a few more operators to go, but the Lambda support appears stable. It's not optimised at all as of yet, and could do with some serious efforts in that area!

FALSE code.....

Factorial: [$1=$[\%1\]?~[$1-f;!*]?]f:
Primes < 100:  99 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%\1-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#

Work inspired by G H Hardy:
"I have never done anything 'useful'. No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world."


Gareth said...

Would have thought you more of a Malbolge man ;-)

Tony Beveridge said...

*Chortle* Did indeed consider it, but I still value what remains of my sanity. Just fancied a few hours of 'programming for pleasure'...BTW, have also seen some of your notable work with Brainf**k...nice!