Saturday, November 7, 2015

Quorum implementation

Having always been interested in distributed consensus/quorum/master slave systems, I decided to implement a form of quorum software (C# of course). It helped me solve an issue I had with a web farm deployment where a Windows service needed to execute on at least/most one machine (the 'master') at any time.

As the machines could be brought in and out of service at any time, the master had to be an elected or agreed active machine. So I wrote Quorum to avoid having a single point of failure.

It's a familiar take on replicated state machines, that does not aspire to the giddy heights of Paxos or Raft. But for all that, it is simple and thus far, reliable (enough :-).

Currently hosted on GitHub, here.

Has a simple MVC web app for quorum viewing, as below:

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