Sunday, June 16, 2013

Further WARP programs

I've been busy trying to stabilise the WARP interpreter, and have a few test programs that 'validate' the 1.7 version:

Collatz Conjecture (from 99,000)
 =se24E0)"Hailstone sequence for ")se@a)se(D(A*se#!2:!:0  

Prime number finder
This program uses decimal (+A) instead of hexatrigesimal, and leans heavily on the stack, the ? operator and the new # operator. It misses out 3 and 2 on output, as it uses integral division to ameliorate it's otherwise O(n) behaviour. Of course, halving the search space is still regarded as having O(n) characteristics, but you can notice the difference in performance!
 +A)"Enter start: ",=cu!)"Primes <= ")cu(13(10  
 @i*cu#!ca?0?^.n<ca1:ca:1?1?^.i)cu)" "  

Simple calculator
A very simple integral calculator.
 +A)"WARP simple calculator: Enter q (as operator) to quit, c (as operator) to clear "(13(10  
 =ac0@l)"Enter operator: ",=op!:op:"q"?0?^.e:op:"c"?0?^.c  
 )"Enter operand: ",=nu!:op:"+"?0?>acnu:op:"-"?0?<acnu:op:"*"?0?&acnu:op:"/"?0?$acnu  

Reverse an entered string
This example uses a feature not present in the 1.7 release - stack rotation using the ' operator.
 )"Enter a string to reverse: ",=st!%st@r=ch!'*ch'^_r'@p)!^_p  

Specification here:
Mostly complete interpreter:

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