Saturday, May 21, 2011

YAGNI , JUDA or TALIA: Acronyms don't fist bump

YAGNI is a phrase that is heard every now and then in XP or Agile circles. I don't have any major philosophical objections to its employment in principle - where that employment is considered. But what I have experienced more than anything else, is its incautious, lazy and/or cavalier use. When YAGNI is used in such a manner, I think it more resembles JUDA (JUst Do Anything). And that is almost an onomatopoeia - think of the sound one makes when driving quickly over a 'sleeping policeman' (c.f. 'judder bar'/'speed bump'). That's how JUDA 'sounds' - hack, spike, hack, debt, get the picture.

Most of the time you should probably engage in TALIA (Think A Little In Advance). And the responsible YAGNI practitioners no doubt do - but as with most ideas, naive application leads to flawed conclusions.

I like acronyms.

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